Busy month!! I had pieces to finish for Taos and those are off. I have a show in Kerrville, Texas that opened on the 26th (www.kacckerrville.com). I have a new gourd commission to work on, and I'm working on a tattoo design for someone.(!) I juried a show at the Upstage Gallery in Topeka this month. And another First Friday is around the corner - 3 new paintings will be at the Eclective and probably a new "sculptural" gourd piece. Plus some new jewelry - always new jewelry...(wow when I type all that out it looks like I have ADHD).
But, what's been on my mind lately is painting. I have finished 3 large (2 at 30"x40" and 1 that is about 5' x 6') in the past month. I started 4 little ones that are really 1 painting. I also have a show in the fall that I have committed to doing about 3 paintings for. All of a sudden I want to lock myself away and just paint. Hard to do now that summer vacation has hit for my 2 boys. I know, I know - let them paint with you! Sometimes that is great - other times - not so great. We may have to start painting Jackson Pollack style in the backyard!
I ran across a lady today in New Mexico who is a daily painter. She makes a finished painting EVERYDAY. And, she is about to have a show open next week that is 150 paintings done in 150 days that are $150 each. I think this is fascinating. I would love to try this. Right now, I do not think I could pull this off. Of course, if I lived in New Mexico, I think I could pull it off easy. Or that's what I like to think. Reality is probably not the same.... This painter averages sizes around 9x12 and smaller. That would mean I would have to start painting small and I almost never do that. That in itself would be interesting. Maybe I should try 150 paintings in a year and see what happens? If I commit to this (don't hold your breath), you will be the first to know!