Sunday, July 29, 2012

Show Statement

Show Statement

It has been a very busy year. I began preparing for this show in August of 2011. I gave myself 1 year to do 150 paintings- that is an average of 10-12 EVERY month. I have not painted this frequently since college (if I even did then).  Some days it is a major challenge to figure out what to paint next, and other days it’s freeing to have 150 to paint because I can paint pretty much anything and everything that comes into my head. I’ve learned they don’t all have to be masterpieces. It’s about doing the work.  Some paintings in this show are not my favorite, but they are done and got me where I needed to be.

The idea for 150 paintings came from a New Mexico artist who is a daily painter. Every year or so she does a 150 challenge and does 150 paintings in 150 days and they are all $150. I thought I would like to try this someday, but knew I could not do 1 painting every day.  I put the show idea out into the universe and here I am!

This show has reminded me how to be disciplined to work every day, even if I don’t really feel like it. There is always something that can be done – research, image finding, sketching, framing, etc.  Preparing for the show (I believe) improved my painting skills and freed my mind. It also gave a boost to my confidence.  150 pieces is A LOT of work. If you don’t think so, you’d have to walk in my shoes to understand.

In addition to painting this year, I still had gourds to do for galleries, and an annual show in Texas.  I continued to make new jewelry throughout the year. I am part of the planning committee for the Dia de los Muertos Topeka Festival. All these things are on top of being a wife, mother and soccer coach.  So yeah- it’s been a BUSY year.

Thanks to all my family and friends who helped me through this year! I could NOT have gotten here without your help and encouragement, kid-sitting, photos to paint and anything else I may be forgetting. And special thanks to The Upstage for granting me this crazy ride and show!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

2 Weeks Left

So its now only a couple of weeks left till the 150 show opens!  I have completed all the paintings and I am working on all the other stuff- hanging wires, pricing, titles, documenting ALL 150 paintings, etc.  When I get some images taken I will start posting them - I promise!  I also have some commentary on various aspects of the show and I will be posting those over the next couple of weeks too.  If you've been following my progress through my barely there posts- THANK YOU!

P.S  I have my own art-dedicated laptop now so I hope to be better about updating this blog and my website in the next few months.