So finally KPK is over and my bad attitude is lifting and I can finally work again. Last week I managed to get 8 gourds cut and cleaned and this morning I have been staining and spraying and painting. I ran out of UV spray, so now I have to take a break and go get some more supplies. (Don't you just hate it when you get in the groove and then get stopped for one reason or another?) I have a bunch of work to complete in the next few weeks for a Holiday ArtFest at the Upstage Gallery in Topeka, and for Taos Blue.
So, I also had an idea for a whole themed show, gourds, paintings, mixed media, you name it. I have no pieces done yet, and no place to show theses pieces rolling around in my head, but it will come. I have been thinking alot about recycling and how things break down - or don't break down. I want to do a show of pieces using recycled materials and/or things that will break down eventually. For example, my gourds, if left outside, will eventually disintegrate and go back to the earth. I have even made a funerary urn for someone out of a gourd. I also want to do some paintings on this theme too. I have no idea when I will get around to it. I even had a dream the other night that my grandmother (who passed away a few years ago) told me - do the pieces, you will find a gallery to show them in. Hmmm - sign that I should definitely do it or just my sub-conscious pushing me? My plan is to start this in December or the first of the year when all my Christmas rush stuff is done. I'll keep you updated.
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